who am i?


Hi there. My Name is Lewis Thorpe, also known as Eproth in many of my online spaces (it’s Thorpe backwards, kinda).

I’m a 24 year old 3D Artist and Animator from the South of England who specializes in body mechanics and fight sequences.

The history…

In 2017, I began my journey into 3D Animation through the free program Blender. I was self taught for the first 3 years, pushing myself to learn as much as possible. When it was clear to me that I had a genuine passion for 3D Animation, I decided to pursue it properly and started studying a BA in 3D Animation and Visual Effects at University of Chichester.

In 2023, I graduated from the University of Chichester with a First Class degree and embarked on my journey as an artist.

On the left, you will see my first ever animation. I modelled, rigged and animated the characters way back in 2017 and if you couldn’t tell, I’ve always been drawn towards Action based animations.


the man behind the monitor…

My love for animation stems from the desire to create movies and films. At college I studied Digital Film where I got to go out and shoot some films of my own, but I always found that I enjoyed the post production work more. Shooting and Directing was fine, but it was tedious. Managing actors and performances. I wished I could play every character.

And with animation, I can.

Don’t get me wrong I like working with people, but found that with animation I could write, direct, film, act and edit all from my bedroom. It allowed me to learn, progress and tell stories without the need to rely on other people.


In time, this solo mentality shifted. I’ve come to appreciate the value of collaboration and the strengths of working with other people.

If you’ve checked out my early portfolio you’ll see that a lot of my animation work features characters from the video game Halo. More specifically a show, called Red vs. Blue, which was also a big influence in my path to animation. I was heavily inspired by the late animator Monty Oum, not only from his work (which is incredible) but his work ethic also.

I’ve always imagined action scenes and fights in my head, and I essentially realised that if I want to see them to be a reality, I’ve got to be the one to make them. He inspired me to just go ahead and make the things I wanted to make.

The only thing that stops us from doing the really cool things; is time.
— Monty Oum